Quiet revolutions

I’ve been a real pain in the arse for days. Yesterday’s rain brought a brief happy interlude, then it was back to grumble, mope, aggravate... I couldn’t think of anything to write about here, and I mean nothing, at all. Only eight weeks after starting this blog, all the never-ending ideas had up and ended.
So this afternoon I did a bit of WWW research into writer’s block and found lots of useful ideas for getting past it, including these comments on a blog: stop obsessing and get a life, basically (laughing).
This seemed like rather appropriate advice**, so I set off for the creek, hoping to get some exercise, let Little Pup wander about (Big Pup, the day-boarder, had gone home), and relax. Thanks to yesterday’s massive rainfall (138mm or over 5 inches in the old scale), the creek had flooded overnight, and is now running fast and strong. And joy of joys, the yabbies are back! I don’t know how or where they survived the drought; it felt like a mini-miracle to see them again:

Then tonight I tackled the washing up (it was only a mountain covering half the kitchen) to the sounds of Triple J, a radio station I hardly ever visit, featuring current music rather than the usual (for me) ponderous talking. Instead of worthies being earnest, it was energy, noise, guitars. And more guitars. (When did they come back?? Just how long have I been asleep?)
So here’s the point of this self-centred post: if you’re feeling a bit jaded, try changing one small thing. Doesn’t matter what, really, as long as it feels like a change. New day, new way. Or some bloody thing (laughing). End of sermon. Pass the collection plates. Thank you & good night.
**Note to JeanieJ: Stop smirking. Yes - You Are A Genius.

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