Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Beauty in the pages

by Joachim du Beleg
Some rights reserved.

You can see some beautiful work by Joachim du Beleg at Le Moleskine à Beleg. He works in a notebook called a Moleskine (pronounced mol-a-skeen-a) then scans the whole thing so that the edges of the notebook and the ribbon bookmark sticking out become part of the image. It gives you a sense of the thing being handmade, a one-off: one page in one book, unique.

Apparently the Moleskine inspires such love and loyalty (or very stylish marketing) there is a website dedicated to it, an article written about it, and now The Wandering Moleskine Project:
Several notebooks will be sent on their way from various points around the world, and scans of pages will be posted as they are filled. [...] Participants are entitled to use one page of each notebook and to send it on to the next recipient within one week of receiving it.
Joachim hosts the Project scans here.